www.gusucode.com > 基于Visual C++高级界面特效制作百例源码程序 > 基于Visual C++高级界面特效制作百例源码程序/code/char23/registry/Registry.cpp

    /* Copyright (c) 1998 Sasha Djolich */
/* For questions or comments, contact the author at djolic@netinfo.ubc.ca */

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "Registry.h"

/* Construction/Destruction */

CRegistry(const char* ApplicationName, int Mode, int Access);

	ApplicationName	- pass in the path uniqely identifying your application.
		This will be typically be "CompanyName\\ApplicationName\\ApplicationVersion".
		An appropriate entry in the registry is created if it does not
		already exist.

	Mode - one of the predefined modes:
		modeCurrentUserPrefs - indicates that you will be accessing
		preferences for the currently logged on user

		modeDefUserPrefs - indicates that you will be accessing
		preferences for the default users. This information is usually
		supplemented with the overriden preferences for the current user.

		modeLocalMachineProps - indicates that you will be accessing
		the information about the local machine.

	Access - can be a combination of accessRead and accessWrite.
		It must contain at least one of the two.

	You would typically want to use this constructor to do most of
	your work. However should you need more control over where your
	data gets put in the registry use the second form of the constructor.

	The following sections are created in the registry depending on
	the value of 'Mode':

	modeCurrentUserPrefs - "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\ApplicationName"
	modeDefUserPrefs - "HKEY_USERS\\.DEFAULT\\Software\\ApplicationName"
	modeLocalMachineProps - "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\ApplicationName"
CRegistry::CRegistry(const char* ApplicationName, int Mode, int Access) :
	ASSERT(ApplicationName != NULL);
	ASSERT(strlen(ApplicationName) > 0);
	ASSERT((Mode == modeCurrentUserPrefs) ||
		   (Mode == modeDefUserPrefs) ||
		   (Mode == modeLocalMachineProps));

	HKEY key;
	CString section;

	// Choose an appropriate place in the registry to store
	// application preferences based on the 'Mode' argument.

	if (Mode == modeCurrentUserPrefs)
		section = "Software\\";
		section += ApplicationName;
	else if (Mode == modeDefUserPrefs)
		key = HKEY_USERS;
		section = ".DEFAULT\\Software\\";
		section += ApplicationName;
	else if (Mode == modeLocalMachineProps)
		section = "SOFTWARE\\";
		section += ApplicationName;

	OpenRoot(key, section, Access);

CRegistry(HKEY Area, const char* RootSection, int Access)

	Area - pass in an already open registry key or one of the

	RootSection - pass in an exact path to the section you will
		be working with. The section is created if it does not
		already exist.

	Access - can be a combination of accessRead and accessWrite.
		It must contain at least one of the two.	
CRegistry::CRegistry(HKEY Area, const char* RootSection, int Access)
	OpenRoot(Area, RootSection, Access);


	Automatically closes any open links to the registry.

/* Attributes */

void SetRootSection(const char* ApplicationName, int Mode)

	ApplicationName	- pass in the path uniqely identifying your application.
		This will be typically be "CompanyName\\ApplicationName\\ApplicationVersion".
		An appropriate entry in the registry is created if it does not
		already exist.

	Mode - one of the predefined modes:
		modeCurrentUserPrefs - indicates that you will be accessing
		preferences for the currently logged on user

		modeDefUserPrefs - indicates that you will be accessing
		preferences for the default users. This information is usually
		supplemented with the overriden preferences for the current user.

		modeLocalMachineProps - indicates that you will be accessing
		the information about the local machine.

	Works the same as the first form of the constructor.

	Access priviliges are not changed. Use SetAccess() to specify
	a different access privilege level.
void CRegistry::SetRootSection(const char* ApplicationName, int Mode)
	ASSERT(ApplicationName != NULL);
	ASSERT(strlen(ApplicationName) > 0);
	ASSERT((Mode == modeCurrentUserPrefs) ||
		   (Mode == modeDefUserPrefs) ||
		   (Mode == modeLocalMachineProps));

	HKEY key;
	CString section;

	// Choose an appropriate place in the registry to store
	// application preferences based on the 'Mode' argument.

	if (Mode == modeCurrentUserPrefs)
		section = "Software\\";
		section += ApplicationName;
	else if (Mode == modeDefUserPrefs)
		key = HKEY_USERS;
		section = ".DEFAULT\\Software\\";
		section += ApplicationName;
	else if (Mode == modeLocalMachineProps)
		section = "SOFTWARE\\";
		section += ApplicationName;

	OpenRoot(key, section, mAccess);

void SetRootSection(HKEY Area, const char* RootSection)

	Area - pass in an already open registry key or one of the

	RootSection - pass in an exact path to the section you will
		be working with. The section is created if it does not
		already exist.

	Works the same as the second form of the constructor.

	Access priviliges are not changed. Use SetAccess() to specify
	a different access privilege level.
void CRegistry::SetRootSection(HKEY Area, const char* RootSection)
	OpenRoot(Area, RootSection, mAccess);

void SetAccess(int Access)

	Access - can be a combination of accessRead and accessWrite.
		It must contain at least one of the two.	

	Alters the access priviliges of an already open registry section.
void CRegistry::SetAccess(int Access)
	OpenRoot(mRootArea, mRootSection, Access);

/* Iteration */

POSITION GetFirstKeyPos()

	Returns a handle to the first key in the current section;
	NULL if no keys exist in the section.

	Use this function in conjunction with GetNextKey() to
	enumerate all the key in a section.
POSITION CRegistry::GetFirstKeyPos()
	// Determine how much memory to reserve for the value name.
	DWORD maxValueNameLen = 0;
	RegQueryInfoKey(mActiveSectionKey, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 
		NULL, NULL, &maxValueNameLen, NULL, NULL, NULL);

	// Retrieve the name of the first available key.
	DWORD keyNameLen = maxValueNameLen + 1;
	char* keyName = new char[keyNameLen];
	LONG result = RegEnumValue(mActiveSectionKey, 0, keyName, &keyNameLen, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
	delete[] keyName;

	// If we could not successfully retrieve the name then
	// this key does not exist.
	if (result == ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS)
		return NULL;

	return (POSITION) 1;

CString	GetNextKey(POSITION& Pos)

	Pos - handle to the key whose name is to be retrieved

	You must pass a valid handle to a key; NULL values are not

	A string containing the name of the key referred to by 'Pos'
	is returned and 'Pos' set to the next key in the section.
	If there are no more keys available, 'Pos' is set to NULL.
CString	CRegistry::GetNextKey(POSITION& Pos)

	// Determine how much memory to reserve for the value name.
	DWORD maxValueNameLen = 0;
	RegQueryInfoKey(mActiveSectionKey, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 
		NULL, NULL, &maxValueNameLen, NULL, NULL, NULL);

	// Retrieve the name of the key whose index is given in 'Pos'.
	DWORD keyNameLen = maxValueNameLen + 1;
	char* keyName = new char[keyNameLen];
	DWORD index = ((DWORD)Pos) - 1;
	LONG result = RegEnumValue(mActiveSectionKey, index, keyName, &keyNameLen, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
	CString name = keyName;

	// Determine whether there are more keys available.
	result = RegEnumValue(mActiveSectionKey, index + 1, keyName, &keyNameLen, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
	if (result == ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS)
		Pos = NULL;
		Pos = (POSITION) (index + 2);
	delete[] keyName;

	return name;

POSITION GetFirstSectionPos()

	Returns a handle to the first subsection in the current section;
	NULL if no subsections exist in the section.

	Use this function in conjunction with GetNextSection() to
	enumerate all the subsections in a section.
POSITION CRegistry::GetFirstSectionPos()
	// Determine how much memory to reserve for the section name.
	DWORD maxSectionNameLen = 0;
	RegQueryInfoKey(mActiveSectionKey, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 
		&maxSectionNameLen, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);

	// Retrieve the name of the first available section.
	DWORD sectionNameLen = maxSectionNameLen + 1;
	char* sectionName = new char[sectionNameLen];
	FILETIME lastWriteToTime;
	LONG result = RegEnumKeyEx(mActiveSectionKey, 0, sectionName, &sectionNameLen, NULL, NULL, NULL, &lastWriteToTime);
	delete[] sectionName;

	// If we could not successfully retrieve the name then
	// this section does not exist.
	if (result == ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS)
		return NULL;

	return (POSITION) 1;

CString	GetNextSection(POSITION& Pos)

	Pos - handle to the section whose name is to be retrieved

	You must pass a valid handle to a section; NULL values are not

	A string containing the name of the section referred to by 'Pos'
	is returned and 'Pos' is set to the next available section.
	If there are no more sections, 'Pos' is set to NULL.
CString	CRegistry::GetNextSection(POSITION& Pos)

	// Determine how much memory to reserve for the section name.
	DWORD maxSectionNameLen = 0;
	RegQueryInfoKey(mActiveSectionKey, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 
		&maxSectionNameLen, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);

	// Retrieve the name of the section whose index is given in 'Pos'.
	DWORD sectionNameLen = maxSectionNameLen + 1;
	char* sectionName = new char[sectionNameLen];
	FILETIME lastWriteToTime;
	DWORD index = ((DWORD)Pos) - 1;
	LONG result = RegEnumKeyEx(mActiveSectionKey, index, sectionName, &sectionNameLen, NULL, NULL, NULL, &lastWriteToTime);
	CString name = sectionName;

	// Determine whether there are more sections available.
	result = RegEnumKeyEx(mActiveSectionKey, index + 1, sectionName, &sectionNameLen, NULL, NULL, NULL, &lastWriteToTime);
	if (result == ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS)
		Pos = NULL;
		Pos = (POSITION) (index + 2);
	delete[] sectionName;

	return name;

/* Operations */

void Descend(const char* Section)

	Section - name of the subsection to be assumed as the current section

	You would typically use this function in conjunction with
	Ascend(). When an object that keeps some of its data in the
	registry initializes itself, Descend() is called to obtain
	access to its own private area within the parent object's
	registry space. Call Ascend() to return to the parent object's
	registry space upon termination.

	You can think of Descend() and Ascend() as 'PUSH' and 'POP'
	operations; before a subroutine is executed registers are
	pushed onto the stack thus giving the subroutine the freedom
	to do almost anything without worrying about corrupting the
	state of data at the point of call. When the subroutine is
	done it pops the old data. If you use Descend() or Ascend(),
	you should always pair the calls.
void CRegistry::Descend(const char* Section)
	ASSERT(Section != NULL);
	ASSERT(strlen(Section) > 0);

	mActiveSection += "\\";
	mActiveSection += Section;

	CString rootSection = mRootSection;

	OpenRoot(mRootArea, mActiveSection, mAccess);
	mRootSection = rootSection;

void Ascend()

	Backs up to the parent section of the current section.
	The parent section is set to be the current section.

	Note that Ascend() will only back up to the root section.
	It will not go any further no matter how many times it
	gets called.
void CRegistry::Ascend()
	// Ascending above the root section not allowed.
	if (mActiveSection == mRootSection)

	int pos = mActiveSection.ReverseFind('\\');
	ASSERT(pos != -1);
	mActiveSection = mActiveSection.Left(pos);

	CString rootSection = mRootSection;

	OpenRoot(mRootArea, mActiveSection, mAccess);
	mRootSection = rootSection;

bool KeyExists(const char* Key)

	Key - name of a key

	Checks for existence of the key named 'Key' in the
	current section. Returns 'true' if the key exists 
	and 'false' otherwise.
bool CRegistry::KeyExists(const char* Key)
	LONG result = ::RegQueryValueEx(mActiveSectionKey, Key, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
	if (result != ERROR_SUCCESS)
		return false;

	return true;

bool SectionExists(const char* Section)

	Section - name of a section

	Checks for existence of the subsection named 'Section' in
	the current section. Returns 'true' if the subsection exists
	and 'false' otherwise.
bool CRegistry::SectionExists(const char* Section)
	REGSAM accessMask = 0;
	if (mAccess & accessRead)
	if (mAccess & accessWrite)

	HKEY tempKey;
	LONG result = ::RegOpenKeyEx(mActiveSectionKey, Section, 0, accessMask, &tempKey);
	if (result != ERROR_SUCCESS)
		return false;


	return true;

	The following functions store key-value pairs into the current section.

	If the specified key does not exist, it is created; otherwise
	its value is overwritten with the new one.

void CRegistry::Store(const char* Key, signed char Value)
	StoreDWORD(Key, (DWORD)Value);

void CRegistry::Store(const char* Key, unsigned char Value)
	StoreDWORD(Key, (DWORD)Value);

void CRegistry::Store(const char* Key, signed short Value)
	StoreDWORD(Key, (DWORD)Value);

void CRegistry::Store(const char* Key, unsigned short Value)
	StoreDWORD(Key, (DWORD)Value);

void CRegistry::Store(const char* Key, signed int Value)
	StoreDWORD(Key, (DWORD)Value);

void CRegistry::Store(const char* Key, unsigned int Value)
	StoreDWORD(Key, (DWORD)Value);

void CRegistry::Store(const char* Key, signed long Value)
	StoreDWORD(Key, (DWORD)Value);

void CRegistry::Store(const char* Key, unsigned long Value)
	StoreDWORD(Key, (DWORD)Value);

void CRegistry::Store(const char* Key, float Value)
	CString value;
	value.Format("%f", Value);

	StoreString(Key, value);

void CRegistry::Store(const char* Key, double Value)
	// Resolution of the 'double' type is 16 decimal digits.
	// We use 17 just in case.
	CString value;
	value.Format("%.17e", Value);

	StoreString(Key, value);

void CRegistry::Store(const char* Key, const CString& Value)
	StoreString(Key, Value);

	The following functions restore key-value pairs from the current section.

	If the specified key does not exist, the value of 'Value' is unchanged.

void CRegistry::Restore(const char* Key, signed char& Value)
	DWORD value = Value;
	RestoreDWORD(Key, value);

	Value = (signed char)value;

void CRegistry::Restore(const char* Key, unsigned char& Value)
	DWORD value = Value;
	RestoreDWORD(Key, value);

	Value = (unsigned char)value;

void CRegistry::Restore(const char* Key, signed short& Value)
	DWORD value = Value;
	RestoreDWORD(Key, value);

	Value = (signed short)value;

void CRegistry::Restore(const char* Key, unsigned short& Value)
	DWORD value = Value;
	RestoreDWORD(Key, value);

	Value = (unsigned short)value;

void CRegistry::Restore(const char* Key, signed int& Value)
	DWORD value = Value;
	RestoreDWORD(Key, value);

	Value = (signed int)value;

void CRegistry::Restore(const char* Key, unsigned int& Value)
	DWORD value = Value;
	RestoreDWORD(Key, value);

	Value = (unsigned int)value;

void CRegistry::Restore(const char* Key, signed long& Value)
	DWORD value = Value;
	RestoreDWORD(Key, value);

	Value = (signed long)value;

void CRegistry::Restore(const char* Key, unsigned long& Value)
	DWORD value = Value;
	RestoreDWORD(Key, value);

	Value = (unsigned long)value;

void CRegistry::Restore(const char* Key, float& Value)
	CString value;
	value.Format("%f", Value);

	RestoreString(Key, value);

	Value = (float)atof(value);

void CRegistry::Restore(const char* Key, double& Value)
	// Resolution of the 'double' type is 16 decimal digits.
	// We use 17 just in case.
	CString value;
	value.Format("%.17e", Value);

	RestoreString(Key, value);

	Value = atof(value);

void CRegistry::Restore(const char* Key, CString& Value)
	RestoreString(Key, Value);

/* Implementation */

void CRegistry::OpenRoot(HKEY Area, const CString& RootSection, int Access)
	ASSERT(Area != NULL);
	ASSERT(Access != 0);
	ASSERT((Access & accessRead) || (Access & accessWrite));

	mRootArea = Area;
	mRootSection = RootSection;
	mActiveSection = mRootSection;
	mAccess = Access;
	REGSAM accessMask = 0;
	if (mAccess & accessRead)
	if (mAccess & accessWrite)

	DWORD disposition;
	LONG result = ::RegCreateKeyEx(mRootArea, mRootSection, 0, NULL, 0, accessMask, NULL, &mActiveSectionKey, &disposition);
	if (result != ERROR_SUCCESS)
		mRootArea = NULL;
		mRootSection = "";
		mActiveSectionKey = NULL;
		mActiveSection = "";
		mAccess = 0;

void CRegistry::Close()
	if (mActiveSectionKey)

	// Don't clear the information necessary to reopen the registry.

void CRegistry::StoreDWORD(const char* Key, DWORD Value)
	::RegSetValueEx(mActiveSectionKey, Key, 0, REG_DWORD, (unsigned char*)&Value, sizeof(Value));

void CRegistry::RestoreDWORD(const char* Key, DWORD& Value)
	DWORD type = 0;
	::RegQueryValueEx(mActiveSectionKey, Key, NULL, &type, NULL, NULL);
	if (type != REG_DWORD)

	DWORD valueLen = sizeof(Value);
	::RegQueryValueEx(mActiveSectionKey, Key, NULL, NULL, (unsigned char*)&Value, &valueLen);

void CRegistry::StoreString(const char* Key, const CString& Value)
	::RegSetValueEx(mActiveSectionKey, Key, 0, REG_SZ, (const unsigned char*)(const char*)Value, Value.GetLength() + 1);

void CRegistry::RestoreString(const char* Key, CString& Value)
	DWORD type = 0;
	DWORD len = 0;
	::RegQueryValueEx(mActiveSectionKey, Key, NULL, &type, NULL, &len);
	if (type != REG_SZ)

	char* data = new char[len];
	data[0] = '\0';
	LONG result = ::RegQueryValueEx(mActiveSectionKey, Key, NULL, NULL, (unsigned char*)data, &len);

	if (result == ERROR_SUCCESS)
		Value = data;

	delete[] data;